My goal is to help you see how weight-lifting can improve your life.

Reasons For Strength Training

At the age of 46 I discovered that I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). In order to have better focus, I decided to take a doctor-prescribed stimulant commonly used to treat ADD. In my case it worked for a while but I decided to stop taking it because the medication seemed to make me agitated and caused my heart to race during stressful situations. The side effects of the medication did not seem worth any added focus that the medication provided. Some of the common withdrawl symptoms are depression and anxiety so I decided to lift weights as a natural way to combat any possible depression and anxiety. It took about 3 months for the side effects to go away and after that I decided to keep lifting as a good long-term life choice.

Lifting weights for me is a natural way to keep a positive outlook. Having the “pumped up” feeling from the work-outs seems to make the work-day go much better. I’m more alert, have better focus, am more productive, and tend to have a calming sense of well-being even during stressful situations.